Setting a Launch Date for New Websites!

When working on a new website, setting a hard launch date is important.  Why?  Because it forces you to take the time needed to review your site, and make the final changes needed to call it “Done”, at least for the launch.  Websites are funny things, we all want them, and we want them to be awesome, but we don’t want to sit down (especially after a hard day at work) and spend the mental power to really think through and put down on paper (or in an email to your designer) the content needed to complete it.  So setting  a launch date is important, and putting all your content that only you (the business owner) can convey to the web designer/builder, in a timely fashion before that date arrives is of utmost importance.  Remember, content is king when it comes to a website.  And it needs to look nice too of course!  😉

– Steve